Is Online Shopping the Way to Go This Holiday Season?
With people staying at home more this year, it’s no surprise that spending at Amazon, Target, and Wal-Mart, three of the largest online retailers in the country, has increased. Whether it’s for convenience or safety, it doesn’t look like this trend in shopping online will be stopping anytime soon. And with Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner, online shopping may become even more popular than in-person shopping this year.
If you’re getting ready to check items off your holiday shopping list this year, here are 5 tips to stay out of debt on Black Friday. And here are two more helpful budgeting resources:
- Join our $200,000 Holiday Savings Boost: Save $100 for a chance to win $100. Save $250 for a chance to win $250
- How to Be a Holiday Hero while Sticking to a Budget