
August 06, 2024
Money Moves: What to Do When You Land Your First Job

Just landed your first job? Congratulations! This is a big milestone on your financial health journey. Plus, getting your first paycheck always makes everything seem a little brighter. Getting your first job can also come with additional responsibilities and expenses. It’s important to get a handle on managing your money from the get go. Why?…

May 02, 2024
Reliable Small Business Support and Guidance for All Seasons of Life – Graduation to Retirement

When you think about financial health, what comes to mind? For SaverLife members, defining financial health can look very different to each person. Why? Because there’s no one way to navigate your financial situation: everyone is working toward different goals for themselves and their families. This is also true of entrepreneurship. Starting and maintaining gig…

July 18, 2023
How to Prioritize Savings To Meet Your Financial Goals

There’s a Jamaican proverb that says, “Save money, and one day money might just save you.” Valuable advice. It’s necessary to save some of what you earn for the future because you’ll need the money down the line.  But, as you look to start saving, there are so many different goals and personal priorities that…

May 04, 2023
6 Fast Facts About The Secure 2.0 Act & How It’ll Affect Your Retirement

Find out how saving for retirement could affect your benefits: How Can People on Government Assistance Save for Retirement? If you feel behind in your retirement savings, you’re not alone. In fact, roughly 27% of Americans over age 59 have no retir...

October 05, 2023
Maximize Your New Salary or Income Increase

There’s a saying about money management that goes something like this: “It’s not what you make. It’s what you do with what you make.”   Of course, how much money you make is important. However, what you do with what you make is just ...