Do those purchases you use cash for how are you depositing or turning your change into paper cash? Most banks, maybe all, have stopped providing coin counter machines. And the Coinstar counters in some grocery stores charge a fee if you want actual dollars.
TCF does provide this service free to members but I really don’t want to open another bank account with another bank just for this free service. *sigh^
I'm too cheap to use Coinstar because they charge a fee, so I just do it little by little while I'm watching TV at night.
I'm too cheap to use Coinstar because they charge a fee, so I just do it little by little while I'm watching TV at night.
Same here
I just wondered if people had any other tricks. I have now started using both a google sheets doc to track my envelope spending as well as YNAB. I realize I’m okay using digital envelopes as long as I track them closely. Once I hav a few more months of this under my belt, I think I may switch to Qube.
Thanks for responding
I'm too cheap to use Coinstar because they charge a fee, so I just do it little by little while I'm watching TV at night.
They don't charge a fee if you choose a gift card instead! So I always pick Amazon
You can put coins in some of the Walmart self check out lanes. I try to go when the store is not to busy.
I'm very blessed to have a bank that does the coins free of charge for account holders. However, if my bank didn't do this I would most definitely roll them myself to avoid fees
You can round the change for every dollar that you spend.
I don’t have time to roll my coins.
Good to know that coinstar doesn’t charge a fee if you choose a gift card instead! I should work on getting my spare change turned into Amazon $!!
I don't even have enough coins to save! I use every dime I get, literally.
I put it in a savings bin