Nolan R.
How can you build a budget that Pays Yourself First?
How can you build a budget that Pays Yourself First?
Building a pay yourself first budget involves having savings as a fixed bill in your budget. The process is easier if you can automate your savings through direct deposit, reoccurring transfers, or payroll deduction for retirement savings. My savings are automated as my employer allows quite a few direct deposit accounts. I also have separate accounts for each of my savings categories such as my emergency fund, saving funds, sinking funds.
True. As soon as my check hits, I transfer the funds into savings. It feels so good to pay myself first rather than waiting to give myself what’s left, which is usually very little.
I've entered a 52 week Challenge so I can pay myself first and I have an accountability partner to keep me straight. 2021 is my best year yet!
Reverse budgeting is helpful in paying yourself first. I find setting up a direct deposit from my paycheck into a savings account (separate from regular checking account) is key to success.
This is not working
I'm not receiving any points
I love this idea! I just added my savings to my direct deposit. I can't wait to see how much savings we will have at the end of the year.
I can never pay myself first
I always pay myself first.
Yes, it was hard to do at first but have started to pay myself first!
This year I am paying myself first
Still feels foreign, but it's maybe my mind playing tricks
When I setup the reverse budgeting method (direct deposit from my paycheck) my spending immediately went down. I realized I didn’t have as much to spend as I did previously.
Yes, setting a budget to pay yourself first by transferring a certain amount from your direct deposit pay to your mutual fund or savings account every pay day teaches you to save and have your money grow.
yes paying yourself first, even just a bit adds up
Hello! Paying yourself first and having a budget are key to a secure financial future.
My goal is to pay me back 45,000 because I lost part of my income this month.
Definitely every smidge counts
Hoping to start saving
I agree you should always pay yourself first.
I always pay myself first. I cant see myself just working to pay the bills. I work for me.
Pay yourself first.
It pays off.