Amy E.
Anyone use YNAB for a while and recommend it?
Anyone use YNAB for a while and recommend it?
Yes definitely - 100% worth the subscription cost.
Yes, I love YNAB. I'm a part-time community college student, so was able to take advantage of the free membership they offer to students for a year: https://www.youneedabudget.com/college/
YNAB is basically a digital envelope system and for whatever reason, that makes it really clear to me how much I have to allocate for each individual expense.
I’ve listened to the podcast and the audiobook. I definitely had a lot of takeaways!
I have been using it for several years and love it! It has so helped me organize my categories of spending snd know what I’d where.
I'll check this out. Thank you
I'll check into it. Thanks!