I got an email this morning (10AM PST) beginning:
"We had a few extra, exclusive SaverLife t-shirts from our 500,000 member celebration last month and wanted to give you the opportunity to redeem one!"
and then it gives a deadline in the past (it is now June 25th):
"You have 24 hours to redeem your t-shirt. The shop will close tomorrow, June 24th at 11:59pm EST."
and clicking on the redemption link says "the form is now closed" and recommends contacting "your administrator."
Hello administrator: Is there any chance I can get one of the extra t-shirts, or am I hosed?
Hi, just wondering if you saw this message.
I had this same issue. I sent an email to support but have not heard back. Pretty silly, I got the email 11 hours after the form closed!
How do you email support? Thank you.
Still waiting for my t shirt!
I got that same email and got the same results. They need some serious help in their administration office.
@Lina E If you have already claimed your t-shirt from the Forum before it closed, I believe we still have a little more than a week [at least] before receiving the t-shirt. According to the e-mail I have, the company used to print T-shirts [Underground Printing] print in batches after all orders are taken. Since the forum closed [supposedly] on June 24, I assume that is the date they considered the order complete.
The e-mail then goes on to estimate that printing takes 2-weeks (which would be July 8) and then the t-shirts are shipped.
I emailed support and they sent me a new link. I was able to order mine. I got to support through the help tab and sent an inquiry.
I received my "congratulations" email after the deadline, too. As mentioned by others, I emailed support and they sent a new link. The shirt has been ordered and should be shipped shortly. The receipt says it takes about 2 weeks to aggregate all of the orders to send to the printer. I ordered about 2 weeks ago! YAY!
One more week until our shirts should be here!
I received my T-shirt today.
Hopefully it will arrive soon
Hello! Hopefully, I get mine soon.