I am my own worst saving enemy!

Started by Unique L.
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Unique L.

I must say that I am the reason I cant save. I always think my kids and I need something. Then, we need something else to finish what I THOUGHT we needed. I have been this way my entire life. So, it was time for a change. I joined SaverLife and read a lot of articles and seen that I needed to change my way of thinking. Don't get me wrong, this has not fully happened. I have, started to pay myself first and think about what I buy BEFORE I buy it. I am having a little less " Buyers Remorse " lol. I even meet with a financial coach via phone each week for accountability. I know I am going to have set backs but I am so glad I started my saving journey. I am telling you, if I can do it, anyone can.

I use to get paid and spend all my money then had the nerve to be upset and depressed that I was broke. Like it wasn't me spending money on $@!#% I/we did not need. This was a cycle I found myself in and did not even notice it. I could not understand why I was always broke and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It wasn't until I took a step back to see what my emotional triggers were. I definitely tried to over compensate for a failed relationship and the fact that he was not around as much. If he cancelled plans to pick up the kids, they got a new toy and we ate out, etc. After numerous times of telling my daughter to clean her room, I seen that she had no where to put anything because she has everything and then some. Then I realized that I did this. I bought her all this stuff that she did not need nor did she earn. All because I did not like to see her sad. I messed up big time with my spending. Not only did they not need all the toys, TV's and games, they also didn't appreciate anything because they just got everything without doing anything.

Time for a change. For starters, we had to clean out all the toys and stuff that was no longer played with. Then chores was assigned to all three of us. I opened a little child checking account for them and would only deposit money in their accounts if homework AND chores were done. I also, started a savings account for myself and set up automatic deposits each payday. It is not much, but It feels good looking in my account and not seeing a negative sign.

I/we have a LONG road ahead but I am so ready for all its twist and turns!

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