Zakeya S.
Any tips
Any tips
I have a high interest savings account that I am automatically depositing a mock car payment into. I have never had a car payment before (always had older hand-me-down cars from family) so I am taking this approach for a few reasons – first and foremost making sure I have room in my budget for a car, month after month. This has become a non-negotiable monthly bill like my rent, because once you have a car payment, it is! I am putting more than I think my minimum payment will be so that this also takes into account a higher insurance rate and saving up for potential maintenance/repairs.
The high interest account will allow the money to grow at a higher rate than standard savings accounts/cash while I am still saving for the car. As long as my current car is still running, my "car payment" is being deposited into a fund that can also act as the down payment when I am ready to buy.