4 Thrifty Tips to Treat Yourself When You’re on a Budget

Are you concerned that living on a budget means there’s no room for special treats? 

Having a plan and goals for our money often means reducing overspending, so we can achieve stable finances and security. However, there are ways to treat yourself even when on a budget.  

Here are some tips for how to treat yourself on a budget.

Tip #1: Build it in 

Remember, a budget is about sending your hard-earned money where it should go to best meet your unique needs and some of your top-priority wants. So, while a budget sets some limits, it also allows freedom to spend. 

So, Tip #1 is Build it in. This means setting aside some money in your budget each month to treat yourself. Want a bit of a bigger treat? Then set aside money each month and save it up until you have your “treat” amount.

Tip #2: Make it personal

Take some time to think about what treat would be the most special to you. Perhaps it’s indulging in something new, such as a trip to a new park or ice cream shop or buying the latest video game. Maybe it’s something familiar, like a favorite breakfast, seasonal coffee, or a fragrant lotion. A treat could even be buying some new socks—if you LOVE getting new ones. Whatever it is, make sure YOUR treat means something to YOU. 

Tip #3: Keep it a “treat”

The dictionary defines “treat” as “an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure.” Part of what makes a treat special is that it doesn’t happen all the time. It’s out of the ordinary. Keep your treats special. 

Tip #4: Don’t supersize it

Be careful of a mindset that says a treat has to be expensive. A treat can be affordable. It can even be free. 

Perhaps a treat you build into your budget is not so much spending money but spending time.  Meeting up for a leisurely walk with a favorite friend or a nearby scenic drive will cost some gas money but not much else. One luxury in life is setting aside the time to enjoy the people and things that matter to us. 

Just like in the other areas of your budget, be intentional about your treats. Think about what is most special to you personally, plan for the treat in advance, and avoid the mindset that prods you to spend more just because.

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